About Wild Heather

Hi, I'm Heather, founder of Wild Heather Skin Care. Thirty years ago I was working as a licensed esthetician at an exclusive Los Angeles Skin Clinic. Working side by side with dermatologists and surgeons, I had the opportunity to treat hundreds of people with many different skin conditions.

I began to recognize two consistent themes .

1) They were already spending money on skin care products. 2) Their skin was dry, rashy, irritated, broken out and stripped of natural oils.

The great news is after consulting and treating them they began to see results very quickly and best of all I began to see their confidence grow. But, this came with a high price tag at the physicians clinic and many people were priced out of quality skin care.

Eventually, I left the clinic and started doing independent skin consultations.  After years of this,  I began to formulate my own line of physician grade skin care products that are vegan, organic and highly concentrated and possibly best of all...you won't need an appointment with a doctor or expensive treatments at the skin clinics.


I realized that people wanted to treat themselves well, but they just needed guidance.  

 Welcome to Wild Heather